#-------------------- # TODO #-------------------- - Fix debugging. At present all files that use dout compile as a whole , into the target files - master or slave, and link correctly but do not print their statement. They only work if -DDEBUG is included when each individual file is compiled. For example, Job_List.cpp has a dout statement but does not print it out unless -DDEBUG is used during compiling. - Implement Factories for Slave and Master Objects (support OMG Life Cycle Service) - Utilize more Linux system methods rather than using shell commands via ipfstream. - Find memory leaks (they exist!). - (Master) Make search of Name Service for all slave registered - Change master and slave startup so that all slaves are started before the master starts to execute to job. - Use a time server to synchronize the system clocks between master and slaves. Make complains if the clocks are skewed in any way. - Demonstrate Dgcc-debug with Alsa project sound card drivers. Show dgcc-debug compiling alsa project sound card drivers to advisor. Complete sound card drivers for alsa project ready for use. - Demonstrate Dgcc-debug with XFree86 project source. Show dgcc-debug compiling XFree86 project source code for X windows. XFree86 files are installed and X windows operates. - Create a logging function so that as jobs are completed the full details (base directory, file and time) are written to a file. This will allow for a system to pick up where it left off after a crash of the master. Normally with "make" this is not necessary but if were are going to abstract this program to a higher level then it will be needed. These unknown applications might not provide this type of logging therefore we will need to provide it. Use XML format or OMG Notification Service.